I don't want to swap the display connectors, because in this case the second monitor will be getting switched out at regular intervals. So I can't make this second monitor my primary monitor.

Basically, I have one main display for my main audio workstation, and a secondary display next to it on the desk. Both of those are the main monitors for when I'm doing the main mixing sitting at the main desk.

But when I'm working alone in the booth, recording a guitar track using the remote keyboard+mouse, I want the second monitor (in this case, an old LCD TV) to be closer to the recording booth with the microphones. I can't sit near the computer and the main monitors due to CPU noise being picked up by the mics. Actually, I can't quite sit right up next to the LCD TV either, but it's big enough so that I can see it from where I *am* sitting. So the LCD TV is the thing I use for my recording booth monitor.

So when I go to sit in the recording booth, I swap the display cable for the second monitor (I bought some extra DVI cables and a coupler so the job was easy), and now the TV lights up as the second monitor when I do that. And it works *GREAT*, but for the fact that the TV is running at a non-1:1 resolution so the fonts are blurry. It's actually not that big of a deal that it's a bit blurry, it's not like I'm doing pixel editing or anything, I just need to see it to control the start/stop tracking and such. So I could live with it like it is. It's just the technical principle of the thing, the itch of wanting to make it perfect.

PowerStrip: Yes, used it before, but always wish I knew what it was doing under the hood. Shouldn't have to need it just to tweak that setting, but will resort to it if need be. Hoping to avoid it for now since I just got Win7 and the video drivers working well on this system and I don't want to risk hosing anything.
Tony Fabris