I personally have zero interest in Nokia as a mobile phone hardware manufacturer or MS as an OS supplier getting together. The thing that scares the living crap out of me is what will happen to Qt.

I've used the Qt toolkit nearly every working day for the last 7 years, I do all of my desktop application development in it on OSX, Linux and Windows. The TV channel I run uses it all over the place, from UI to backend. I was fairly sceptical when Nokia bought Trolltech thinking something like this would happen. My only hope is that if Nokia are no longer interested in keeping it, that they allow a management buyout and not just sell it on to some equally feckless hardware manufacturer.

Everything I've read recently regarding the outcome of this agreement between Nokia and MS has been about Qt as a mobile toolkit, in fact, I think some of the people posting comment aren't even aware its history as a desktop UI toolkit.

Andy M