Originally Posted By: hybrid8

Are you talking about hourglasses in general (in which case yes, I'm familiar with hourglasses), or a specific program?

The application I was thinking of is something that I used to play around with about 5-6 years ago. I found it in some old backups just now and it's still pretty fun, though it's definitely not what I'd call a "game" per se. Well, you be the judge.

I think t would look better if the individual flakes didn't wiggle like snowflakes as they fell. Neat concept, needs a little play balancing and level design work.

Unfortunately much of the gameplay relies on being able to split a single stream of "sugar," so I'm guessing that's why they wiggle, so you get a wider stream.

As for "play balancing and level design work," I really didn't see any problems there. Are you sure that's not just a way of saying "it's too hard?" smile I was able to finish it, and while there were a few levels that weren't much fun, in general I appreciated what he was doing. There's a definite way to get past each level, and sometimes the hardest looking ones ended up not being very challenging (but were usually still rewarding).