Once I had mastered staying on the correct side of the road I noticed I had problems with backing the vehicle up.

Normally I'd look over my shoulder through the center of the car. In opposite land this means I'd bash my head into glass.
Even when I turned my head the right way, my brain was misfiring on the signal input. It was strange. It was like I couldn't 'see'.

Forwards is easy- that's just 'monkey see, monkey do'. Gets a little tricky when there are no other monkeys around, though.

I love the challenge of driving in odd places, though. I love to get lost and find my way back again. The Dales were great for that. More than once I drove over Hardknott Pass for fun. That's an adventure for anyone, right there!
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)