I've got mixed feelings on this point. Back in the day, before Apple went all revisionist-history on its promises to support ZFS in OS X 10.6, I purchased a beefy Mac Pro for home, on the assumption that it would be the perfect platform for running ZFS. Had I known this was going to be the plan, I instead might have bought some sort of NAS box for my disks, but I figured, hey, why not keep everything in one box. Simplicity!

Then Apple pulled it and hasn't made any serious noises about alternatives.

That Mac Pro is now pushing three years old and at least shows no signs of going belly up. I've had no hardware failures, disk failures, or anything else going particularly wrong. About my only complaint is that wake-on-lan doesn't always work. (But, from my brief exploration of generic PC motherboards, many boards that support ECC memory are really server-class boards, so they don't support hibernation. At least my Mac Pro can go to sleep.)