Originally Posted By: K447

At the POTS end you need to somehow connect to the Internet, where in turn your connection from the cellular end would interconnect.

Thanks K447.

Unfortunately that is the answer I was expecting.

I will have internet in the RV so I could connect as follows but are there these types of devices and services…..

Conference box to -> “Device to connect POTS to my android via maybe BlueTooth” -> Android to -> “Service to connect to POTS, maybe GrooveIP” -> Conference box at home.

However, when I use GrooveIP I seem to get up to a 3 second latency issue. I pretty sure that would be a killer issue.

Any suggestions on if a “device” like this exists or what to use for the “service.” I could also use a laptop instead or the android.

Maybe the Xlink device would work in this situation. I'm not sure.

Or maybe I’m chasing a unicorn.