Originally Posted By: Cris
Thanks John, any more tips on battery maintenance then ???

I've gone with these batteries after a bit of research...


As the site is unmanned most of the time there isn't anyone there to check on a daily basis and I visit every couple of months (on average), so how regular do I need to be checking things ???



I would say that once every couple months is not often enough. They shouldn't get too low in that amount of time, but the consequences IF they did could be that you permanently diminished the capacity of your batteries. I'd plan on checking the water level in the batteries once a month. You should be fine with doing the rest of the stuff ( including the equalization charge ) quarterly or every 4 months. Because I didn't feel like typing so much, here's a couple of the google results for maintaining batteries that pretty much match my experience.

Maintaining batteries
Equalization charge

Our bank has 16 batteries, so it is a significant time investment. With only one or two batteries, it shouldn't take too long.
~ John