Originally Posted By: canuckInnOR
Hmm... can't say I see the logic.
Well... understand that I despise Apple stuff, so I am a bit biased in that regard. And my dislike may well be based on my own prejudices - "If it's different from what I'm used to, it can't be any good."

But, that said, the Windows box gives a lot more options. With Apple, it's Steve's way or the highway.

I have my photos arranged in a nice directory tree: D:\Photos\[camera name]\Year\yyyy-mm-dd [Session Description]\[filename].

It sounds cumbersome, but really isn't, because I have a desktop shortcut (updated annually) that takes me right to the "...\Year" portion of the tree.

If I want to see the pictures of Akela playing in the surf, I know that I took the pictures in 2010, so with three mouse clicks I'm at that session, ready to display the photos.

Admittedly there are more "nuts and bolts" steps to actually creating that directory tree system. When I move a shooting session from the camera to the computer I first have to create the new "yyyy-mm-dd [Description]" directory, and then drag the photos from the camera to the new directory. But I grew up on C:> DOS prompts and nuts and bolts like that make me feel right at home.

As always, YMMV.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"