Originally Posted By: Dignan

I'm firmly in the "I DO NOT want an integrated solution" camp. I simply do not ever want a GTV, Apple TV, Roku, or anything BUILT IN to a television set. It simply makes no sense. I've had the same TV for 6 years now, and in that time I've had at least 4 set top boxes attached to it because the product segment has advanced like crazy in that time...

While integration looks nice and is simpler to use for most end users, it has that one huge downside that makes no sense to me. You could argue that later on you could just add the latest box, but then I'm left with a kludgy system. I only want my TV to be a big, dumb monitor.

Upgradeable firmware could be a solution to this if you could find a manufacturer who was committed to keeping their releases fairly current.
~ John