I've taken some before/after measurements, and it's very close. But in "hispeed" there is a bug, the "high" timing isn't affected, this here:

		/* Inter-bit delay */

and here

	/* End of transmission, line low */
	udelay( (sendcontrol_busy == 1) ? 5 : 40 );

If you can fix that I'll take the measurements again.

Also, to get Hijack to read config.ini I need to start the player. Well with my player replacement it doesn't read config.ini so Hijack doesn't parse it. Is there a way to do this without running player? I tried "cat config.ini" and Hijack didn't bite.

edit: I've worked around the config.ini issue. I backed up the original, copied cat to /empeg/bin/player, and put player /empeg/var/config.ini in the init script. :P


Edited by presslab (02/02/2014 17:32)
Edit Reason: added player workaround