Originally Posted By: jmwking
I have a different, yet still annoying, mail problem with my board: some admin messages are sent from the board with a gmail address as the reply-to. Every now and then, a recipient's mail service (yahoo and aol most often) will reject it, and sometimes my gmail deems it spam.

AOL is, by far, the worst company at handling spam.

If AOL has deemed that you are a spammer, they will completely block your email from every single user in their network. I have about a dozen clients with AOL addresses (who do you think is the most likely person to need computer support?), and I am completely unable to send them email. That includes my personal GMail address, my company address, and (most importantly for me) my invoicing service (which sends emails addressed from my domain).

When I send email to someone on AOL, the message simply never gets there. It doesn't show up in their spam folder and nobody gets alerted that this has happened. It simply goes off into the ether. Like Tom with Google, I don't know how I'd go about addressing this problem.

The worst part is, every time I see the inbox of an AOL user, it's simply chock full of spam email.

I hate you, AOL.

Anyway, sorry for taking this off-topic. I would offer to take over the board but I know I don't have the first clue of how to run it properly. I ran a phpBB on my own site about a decade ago, and even though it only had about six people on it (my friends), it was still a chore to maintain and I didn't have half the diligence that Tom shows in backing this whole thing up.