Originally Posted By: K447
The $30 fee reduction for 'downgrading' to 300 speed appears to nicely offset the $29 'privacy maintained' cost.

Another $7 for the modem rental, you get 300mbps speed and less worry about non-HTTPS traffic snooping.

In my region 300mbps is about as fast as it gets for most people (~300 down, 20 up).

That is what I thought too, but I wonder how long it will be until they 'accidentally' mess up and have the 300mbps service 'accidentally' go through the IP scanning without the choice to opt out.

Unless you go with cable (Cox), the max speed in my neighborhood is 14mbps. My entire area right now is being wired for fiber (construction signs all over the place touting the fiber expansion and how long construction will last). I just haven't been able to figure out who is actually going to be using the fiber. It looks like the city is paying for it, but there is no other information available.