Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
So... you are concerned that AT&T seeing what websites you visit and what search terms you use is an invasion of privacy, yet you have no qualms about 5TB of your personal data hanging out in a server someplace where you have no actual hands-on control over it?

There is a discontinuity of logic there, I think.

I can see why that disconnect would be seen without the details. I researched a number of cloud backup providers, and picked one that allows double encryption. Basically their stock offering encrypts everything across the wire, and then encrypts the data when it hits their disk. They can still get into the data if needed under this setup, and it enables certain other features of the service.

Under their double encryption option, the data is encrypted first on my computer with a key I provided that never crossed the wire. It still gets encrypted a second time when written to their disk and is protected across the wire. If someone really wants to spend the time to try and crack the key I provided as well as their key, then odds are I have far worse issues at that point to deal with. Using this option does limit some of the services they offer, but for my needs I don't mind. The goal was to have an offsite automated backup that is secure.