Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
I just used Finder to locate some random MP3 file, double-clicked it, and it played.

It sounds like whatever app she has set to playback MP3s (iTunes by default) was handling it. iTunes will play whatever was double clicked without popping up it's UI, and other media apps may do similar on OS X.

Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
or some add-on. SWMBO is terrible about adding things. If it strikes her fancy, she'll just click on the install button without regard for consequences. If she had a Windows machine, it would no doubt by now be completely dysfunctional.

This touches on an aspect that has me excited about where I see computing advancing right now, especially as shown by iOS. I think one of the most damaging things that hindered the adoption of technology benefitting more lives on this planet was the poor security of Windows right when the internet started getting popular. It did make people afraid to use the system at times, due to clicking on something and being infected by some crap. It's a shame that so many who cleaned up this mess often times blamed the end user.

The attitude of "users need to be more aware of the consequences" of such actions as installing software to me speaks to a failure of the computing industry more then it speaks to a failure of that user.

Seeing the older members of my family browse the App Store on their own, resulting in them adding functionality to their devices without fear has empowered them. I want to keep seeing that empowerment in more and more people, no matter their age or experience with computers.

I'm glad to see both Microsoft and Apple push on to make computer based technology easier and more resilient. Microsoft dropping their mentality of the past and more directly engaging consumers has helped them quite a bit. Windows 8 was a bit of a stumble, but seeing their intentions show through more with Windows 10 is good. Still work ahead on both sides. Apple enables more powerful workflows on iOS with every release, while in parallel they add new ideas from iOS into OS X.