Originally Posted By: mlord
Suddenly, unlimited (slower) storage, regardless of the age/generation of phone.

The decision for Samsung to revert to slower expandable storage with the S7 is a bit of a head scratcher after the S6 when they've been pushing VR hard. Though they didn't adopt the Android 6.0 (and old Windows Phone) feature to be able to merge the built in and SD storage into one, so VR apps could still perform well off the internal storage. Still need to buy the capacity desired up front for certain uses.

Apple hasn't gone down the VR route yet, though their switch to speedy NVMe storage has them ready on the I/O side.

I overall agree though it's far past time for the entry level consumer iPhone to have 32GB. Corporate markets might still like the bit of cost savings across a fleet of employee devices that don't have a need for more then 16GB. Apple has at times maintained a cheaper tier of a device for education or other specialized markets. For some markets, Apple had kept 8GB variants around for longer then the NA/EU markets.