Originally Posted By: Dignan
I dislike all the steps you have to walk through when the phone comes back up. I'm not sure why it needs to set up the wallet and iCloud stuff again, when that should just be treated as settings and data that gets restored to the phone. If it's all encrypted, then why not just store all that too? And if it asks that because it wasn't set up before, then it should recognize that we didn't want it and leave it alone.

Credit card details in the Wallet are tied to the Secure Element in the processor, as are fingerprints. iOS has no access to the data to back it up. The link between the OS and the Secure Element is lost (intentionally) during a wipe process and needs to be set up again. Tickets for movies and such in the wallet will be restored though if using iCloud Wallet synchronization.

iCloud access and aspects of iMessage/Facetime are also dependent on certificates not backed up and intentionally lost during a wipe.

Some of the other prompts like asking for location permission again are tied to past debates about cellphone location tracking that were in the news about 5-6 years ago.