Originally Posted By: jmwking
Fold your linens into triangles!

Ha! Yeah we'll do a flag ceremony after every laundry load! Nah, the towel wouldn't fill up the space as a triangle anyway. I tend to just fill the extra room with wash cloths and hand towels.

Originally Posted By: K447
It would have been a bigger project, but ...

Sometimes the inner drywall walls can be removed...

No go. Each cleat on both walls is attached to studs. There was one stud behind each wall, and the other cleat fastener is a toggle bolt. Good idea though.

Originally Posted By: peter
Honestly I think whoever designed a triangular linen cupboard into the house in the first place deserves most of the blame here.

I can't argue with that. It's a weird design. The center staircase is set at a 45 degree angle to the exterior walls of the house. On a floor plan it would look like a square with a diamond inside it. It's an interesting design element, but it makes for weird areas in the middle of the house.