I strongly recommend the Logitech MX Master/Revolution series of mice.


I've owned four of them over the years, all four are still in use, they just keep on running.

My wife is using one of the MX Revolutions, that I believe I bought around 2010. It is still on the original rechargeable battery and still works fine.

I love the shape of this range of mice (no good if you are left handed). And the unique scroll wheel with a software controlled clutch is just great.

With the clutch you can toggle between normal notched mode or extremely fast scrolling free wheel mode and the weighting on it is just amazing.

They aren't cheap though, but they do regularly show up with a 50% discount on Amazon.

If you get one, use it with the receiver that comes with it, not Bluetooth. I can always feel the latency on Bluetooth, can't feel it at all with the receiver.

Their current Mac software however has been a disaster for me. Keeps losing setting and losing the ability to assign buttons to the keystrokes I want.

I've had to give up on their Options+ software and use https://better-mouse.com instead.

Thankfully the Windows version doesn't appear to have the same issues.

Oh and you won't need a mouse pad, ever since I've owned these mice I've never used one, they track perfectly even on my featureless white Ikea desktop.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday