I noticed no difference between the volume level of 1.03 and 2.0.

It's probably me. I went and changed the cap back, no difference.

But I did push the volume up, and it's not as loud as I was thinking it would be.

-20db in 2.0b3 seems to be louder than -20db in 1.03, but -10 appears to be about as loud (which is REAL loud)... But the scale does seem to be smoother than it previously was.... 40-20 is a smooth, gentle slope in 2.0, while 40-20 would be a very large gradient on 1.03... at -40 before, I could just barely hear it over the engine...

Difference in the decoding engine perhaps?

Synergy [orange]mk2, 42G: [blue] mk2a, 10G[/blue][/green] I tried Patience, but it took too long.