Supposedly, the new Panasonic HDTV monitors (36- & 32HX41) can also automatically go into anamorphic mode. I've seen one at the Circuit City, but, again, they're all idiots over there and the only video source they have for it is 1080i (which is also what they have going to the NTSC monitors, downconverted and squished) and they refuse to hook anything else up to it. Plus, it's all ``What's anamorphic?'' and ``Try channel 14''. I mean, I could understand that at the Best Buy, but all these guys do is sell televisions. And it's the X-mas season, for God's sake! Learn about your products! Okay. Enough rant. Anyway, I'm waiting for the guys at the reasonably upscale A/V place to get one out on the floor. I really want to stay off the Sonys. Plus, it's about $500 cheaper and I can fit the 36"-er in my space, which I can't do with the Sony. And I still didn't like that weird artifact on the Sonys. I'll have to wait to see if the Panasonic does any better....
Bitt Faulk