I'm neither partial towards devout Christian nor Freudian philosophies, yet I find the selling of a blatantly sexual image to pre-teens as a bad thing. I wouldn't bring a 12 year old kid into a strip club, for instance. Would you? Sending them to a Britney concert is basically just that. Of course kids are going to learn about sexuality when the time is right, but shouldn't they learn from the parents and not from Britney?

Market value of 'blatantly sexual images' is relatively high precisely because of predominant hypocritical treatment sexuality receives in our society. I agree that exposing kids to messages that sexuality is something to be sold instead of shared is harmful.

Deliberately controversial stage name? Madonna is her real first name... Not much thought put into that "stage name" if you ask me!

Hm, I didn't know that... Anyway, she used it pretty well to build 'controversial' image. I prefer artists selling their music on music's merits, more or less...

Impressive, that's like avoiding raindrops in a thunderstorm. I don't see how one can own a radio and a television and not be assaulted by Britney at least once or twice.

Well, radio stations I listen to don't play too cheap pop. I watch television very little, but probably yes, I did see one of BS videos; I just didn't bother to connect and remember performer and material.
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