Well, I think so, that's where we're going. Whether we think it is good or bad, I believe it is just a matter fo years, and we will not anymore consider nudity, of both sexes, as something negative or offensive or immoral. Somebody says that's a relaxation" of the sense of morality, or whatever. Maybe. But maybe we are just getting rid of the sense of guilty which is usually attached to sexuality and nudity, and hopefully this will help us to consider sex in a more "sound" way. I may be wrong, I don't want to be an extremist, and I totally understand your concerns, but I am just asking myself, simply, in the end what's so bad in a Britney dancy half naked, sexy, andwhatever else? Nothing, in the end... I would go even further and ask what's so bad in nudity or sensuality in general. That's what we are and how we look like. The point is what is the meaning that we give to it, and that is exactly what's changing, the meaning of singing half naked on stage in 2001 is different than what it was in 1950 and than what it will be in 2050, as well.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg