The player doesn't use the tags in the music directly for searching. It uses the database built by emplode. Emplode builds the database from ID3V2, ID3V1, Filenames or information you type in yourself. It only uses the filename if there are no tags.

Since you have filenames and you've got a specific format, you can use MP3 Tag Studio to parse the names and populate ID3 tags. I suggest doing only V2 and no V1 at all. You can get it from

Also, when making edits with emplode, it will only affect the information in the player database. Changes will not be made to the MP3 files or their tags. At least not until some future release of the software with that feature. :)

Emplode offers some really useful view modes that allow batch operations. MP3 Tag Studio only works to accumulate batch lists by directory structure. It's good at what it does and should work fine to fix all your files.

Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software