Ok, I must be doing something wrong, because nothing is working.

Here's the steps I took. I have display server installed on drive0.

I mounted the drive RW. Then I moved init -> init.empeg
I created the following init file:
mount -n -o remount,ro /
mount -n -o nocheck,rw /proc
mount -n -o nocheck,ro /dev/hda4 /drive0
echo "Starting Display Server"
/drive0/opt/ds2b2/ds2 &
echo "Starting Empeg Player"
exec /sbin/init.empeg
I then uploaded the file to the Empeg.
I did a "chmod +x init"
I check it doing
init-2.03# ls -la init
-rwx--x--x 1 0 0 219 Jan 8 23:13 init
Now I try to execute the new init by doing ./init
and i get "./init: No such file or directory"

If I reboot, I get to:
Freeing unused kernel memory: 4k initinit-2.03#
And I get stuck at this prompt.

If I type ./init, I get the No such file error.

I can type /sbin/init.empeg and it will run.
But by doing this it bypasses my init file.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?