Oh well, you tried - and that's what counts. :)

Actually, one of the reasons I'd like a single-button turn-off is to make it easier to design a little "stand-by" circuit. Basically, wire the empeg to full-time power and have a circuit which "presses" the button on another remote (taken apart and put into the dash pointing at the unit) to put the unit in and out of standby mode when you turn on and off the car. These little remotes are fairly cheap and I had planned on doing an armrest hackjob on one anyway.

I would also build a timer to turn it off completely after, say, a half hour or something.

Having it turn off and on from a single button would make this a lot easier. As for the "danger" of a single button, wouldn't it be simple to simply press the button again to un-suspend the unit? Seems simple enough.