Okay what i would be tempted to do is to put the kenwood in the bottom as a kind of stealth install.

You have got a nice rebate around the hole where the tray goes into. I would get a piece of stuff like alloy sheet, plywood, plastic sheet etc and then cut it to the shape of the hole with a bit cut out for the ciger lighter.
Either stick it in or screw it in. In this plate cut a hole that is DIN sized and mount the kenwood in here if you are clever with colours it won't be that noticable.

You look like you have some nice holes for screwing into to hold the plate

Then stick the empeg in the DIN that the kenwood was in

Go over to the install galleries at riocar and look at the A4 install and you should be able to get a clue as to what i mean.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland