Well, I bought the very first CD based portable MP3 player years ago (the Genica), I have known what is involved in having a CD player, and was never that unhappy with it. I keep my ear to the ground though and remember when the Empeg was just another person putting a computer in their car. They were always too complicated to do myself and to expensive to buy from someone.

What changed my mind was buying an Archos Jukebox as a present for Christmas. After playing with it for a couple of days I was sold that hard drives are the way to go. Several days later I bought an Empeg (at newly discounted prices), and have been enjoying it ever since.

Bottom line, CDs are fine, but having your entire music collection available at a button press is just too cool for words. I randomized one of my playlists a week ago and am still not halfway through it. That is awesome.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB