The "remove menu item" option is already incorporated in Hijack, as in
menu_remove=Filesystem Check on Sync

n-level menus won't happen for a while, if ever.

alarm clock is a perfect example of a userland application that needs to be written.

The Hijack website has (somewhere) a feature list of present and planned stuff, which is basically my TO-DO list. Something missing from it is I hope to make the quick-knob-press-PopUp menu into a configurable item, perhaps with "tree" capability. It looks easy now that the IR-translate got cleaned up a bit, so I might add that to the feature list sooner rather than later.

But right now, I'm waiting for the next beta, to see what it breaks, and then the Sony Stalk interface. The Stalk stuff is interesting because it gives us access to at least one new player command: "previous visual", which is not on the "stock remote" command set.
