
Set the style properties of the DIVs to a defined height and width, then add this property:


That will force the DIVs to stay the same size. If the content exceeds that size, scrollbars will be added automatically just like an entire IE window.

style="position:relative; width:350; height:300; overflow:auto"

Something else that you will need to do to make the page look right is set the table cell widths that the DIVs are in to pixels, not %. That way the scrollbar will show up right on the edge of the table. Alternatively, you can leave the width setting out of the style, but I like setting the values absolutely...that way you minimize the wackyness between browser types.

The secret is pallete choice. For images like the title.gif, GIF is the best choice becauase there aren't a lot of fancy color effects, and limited colors. I attached a new version, where I droped the color pallet to 24 colors vs. the 131 that you saved it with. You'll notice that it looks the same, but the file size is now 3.70KB compared to yours which is 5.43KB. Also, gir GIF, set the "dither" type to cleaner transitions if the image has gradients.

JPG should be used when you have lots of color depth. JPG is a bit more complicated, but PhotoShop makes it easy and does a really good job of eliminating artifacts. However, there are somethings that you should keep in mind. The higher the compression, the worse the image will look. The band photo could be reduced to about 14k (from 24K). It's all image specific, but you can get really good results if you just play around with the settings.

Thus ends this hours session of Web Site Design with RedButt.
We need a bigger boat.