The 1-second "Long Press" timeout is not configurable, and I'd rather it stay that way -- it has to synchronize with how the player works

In what way? Would things just not work if the timeout was changed? Hmm... If you don't want to make it configurable, can you maybe point me at the constant I need to change to experiment with it? I can see why you might want everyone to have it the way it is, but if it's possible to hack a smaller delay, I'd like to do that...

The Popup menus ignore most/all modifiers, but the translation you use to invoke them can use any modifiers you like, as in:


Ah, yes, but the problem is I wanted to have the PopUp0 (the one bound to the knob) act differently depending on whether it's in tuner or aux. But from your comments on your ir_translate page, it sounded like making the PopUp menus act like the other translations (with modifiers and such) was counterproductive or prohibitively difficult or something. Not a problem.

Oh, what does renaming the popup menus actually do besides change the symbol you use to refer to it in the ir_trans section? I thought it would change the actual "name" of the menu but now it always says "Select Action:" I figured it would say "Tweak:" for the tweak menu, for instance, but on mine (v154) it doesn't.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff