I am sure I upgraded my software from B3 to B7 on or during Christmas [about 5 weeks ago now].

I also upgraded my emplode at the same time - and it reports as Beta 7a.

I could swear on a stack of bibles that I upgraded my player as well as my wifes one to beta 7 - but mine shows beta3 for the player and my wifes (correctly) shows beta 7 (internal).

Anyway. I've [re]applied 2.00 Beta 7 [it now says beta7 Internal in the player version# too].
Then I put Mark Lords latest Hijack kernel on - all seems well.

And you know what - I now get that flashing dot in the solid line when playing a tune with Info enabled - which I recall everyone commenting on when beta7 came out, but I never saw on my player - now I know why [D'uh].