I didn't mean to bring up a whole sexual harrassment debate. Sorry. And I wasn't offended. But I DO worry about offending others. Not only co-workers, but if a client is getting a tour of our facilities and passes by my computer to see soft-porn or whatever - it just makes the company look bad. American individualism (which refers more to independance than free speach) is alive and well. My company owns the bandwidth, needs it for very important work (if we lose network connectivity, we can get fined big $$ for not supplying our promised service) so they can say what can and can't be done with it. They own the computers too. So, I in fact think they are being very generous knowingly letting me surf the web when it doesn't effect my job.

I was exagerating a bit about the network nazi's too. They very rarely do random searches (although it is being discussed having an automated version of it). Their full time is spent investigating complaints. So if someone is suspected of or known to being doing something, they collect all the evidence and present it to the proper supervisors, etc. I've been told it is an akward moment giving a 30-page report full of printed jpg's or whatever to someone in a business setting. "Yes mame, that was 15 minutes at www(dot)surf4picsofyoungboyswhileatwork(dot)com."

I think a simple warning would sufice. And thanks for being the first person to actually attach a gif so I can for once SEE the image pans people have been working on. (Don't have a RAW viewer handy).
Brad B.