Amthar, they did get a bunch of cables to replace the defective ones, and did have them ready. Unfortunately, the people responsible for support (the team in England) was not adequately warned when the people responsible for sales (the US division) decided to drop the price of the player to "absolute steal" levels. As a result, the sudden surge of player sales caused a sudden and unexpected need for more cables than originally planned. You can't blame them for briefly running out.

The support for this player is essentially being handled by one guy, and he's doing a fantastic job, considering. When David says he will get you a cable as soon as possible, he means it, and he will live up to his promise.

If your player is a single-drive player, there is a published work-around for the cable problem here (moving the drive to the other spot). If you can't wait for the replacement cable, you can do that instead.
Tony Fabris