I understand your frustration. When I got mine, I had to ship it back because it had bad ram and rebooted continuously as soon as it warmed up. Theres nothing like paying all that money and then having to ship it back for repair. The turnaround time was short, and after a few days, I had my player back in working condition. Then on top of that, I had to wait a few more months to have enough money to buy an amp and have it installed in my truck. (I had been carefully saving money for the previous year and a half to have enough to buy one and found I didnt have enough leftover for a decent amp and install.) All the units were inspected and tested at the factory at the time of manufacture. They werent selling too well and most of the units sat in the warehouse for a year before the blowout. They were probably banged up pretty good during shipment and mishandled by the incompetent SB warehouse employees as well. I dont think they knew the extent of the bad hard drive cable problems since there werent many units being sold. If you havent loaded up much music, you could disconnect the other drive and just use one drive and the good connector on the cable temporarily.
