Dude, I love you guys so it really bothers me that I am spending time bitching on your BBS, but you just don't get it.

This is not a GUI problem or a complaint about gapless MP3 playback. Jo Franke's girlfriend could have been seriously hurt, or killed. Since this bug has apparently not happened to you guys, I don't think you understand how unsettling an experience it is when the volume starts unexpectedly flying up into painful levels. And even if it had, your reaction as engineers who have developed the unit for over a year is going to be considerably more reasoned than the reaction of a non-techie user who is joyriding in her boyfriend's car.

By the way, the "emergency procedure" is simply to tap the "stuck" button once more.

Really. The conclusion I drew from my previous analysis in this thread was that pressing "volume down" button would be equally effective if the "volume up" button sticks, and a bit more to the point (Of course, neither one helps if you encounter the remote/console collision that I described).

But hey, it's your emergency procedure. How about distributing it to each of the registered Mark I owners? The frequent posters on the Empeg BBS are not the people I am worried about. We are already prepared for the problem and can avoid putting ourselves in a position where our safety is jeopardized. The people I am worried about are the ones that haven't encountered the problem yet, because that first time is quite a surprise.

If you want to make a complaint then EMAIL me! This isn't empeg customer support, this is an unofficial BBS.

Be cool, Rob. We need to be getting this information out to as many owners as possible, and not consigning it to private e-mail. Please don't be defensive about this -- people like me who are bitching care a lot about your company and want to see you be very successful.

SN#320, 6-Gig Blue