Wow, sounds like you have gone through a lot of trouble. Does this sound only happen when you first start the car? What if you put the empeg in and booted it up after the car has been running for a few min already?

It hasn't quite been a complete horror show, but close. This is where it becomes really f***ing insulting. With the exception of the speakers, there has been some sort of defect with everything related to this thing. The so called EZ fit speakers that didn't fit without fairly extensive modification (to be expected, I drive a VW), a really nice burn in the shape of my soldering irons tip on my forearm, a few loose diamonds from my bracelet in my dashboard and a huge gauge in my watch (my own fault). I became convinced it was me towards the end, so I took it to an installer to get the amp mounted, fearing I would shatter my rear window (not wanting to shell out the $6000 for a new top since it can't be replaced independently), and one of the first things I watched him to was whack his head really hard on the trunk lid. I swear I got the one with the hex on it.

And it happens as soon as the head unit is turned on, with both the sony and the empeg.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony