It is not your opinion that bothers me. Well, it does a little, but that's not why I want the ability to ignore you. It's your ridiculous troll-like zeal combined with your use of totally asinine arguments. And my lack of fluency in the arts of debate doesn't help, either. (I may actually go study some in my spare time because of your ridiculous statements, and for that impetus I thank you.)

On this board, before you came along, we were able to have interesting debates about things, because we tended to be able to control our outrageousness and actually have a debate about the issues involved. Now that you're here, everything turns into an argument based on the fact that your viewpoint is supreme. Every counter-argument is responded to with ad hominem attacks or tangential non sequiturs. And everyone else, to whom I'd actually be interested in listening, gets disgusted and just leaves, leaving the debate hanging and unfinished.

You're a conversation killer, and it is for that reason that I want you to go away. I'd be happy to provide you help with your empeg, and I'd be delighted to see you provide help to someone else. I no longer have the patience to watch you turn into someone who can rationally state and defend his opinion. I'm now not sure you're capable of it.
Bitt Faulk