why is it that you can't tolerate anyone having an opinion other than your own?

Yz... You are a bright kid (I'm three times your age so I am entitled to call you a kid!). I know this because of PMs we have exchanged, and a few of your posts have been insightful and funny.

But have you noticed... of the 1,994 currently registered bbs users, only TWO have ever incited the overall, general hostility that you have, and of those two, the unhappiness you have generated is greater by at least an order of magnitude.

So think about this. I am not trying to be cute or flip here, I really want you to think about this: Are you the only one of the 1,994 of us who is on the right track? You're right, and the rest of us are wrong? (And that "us" is without question the smartest, most articulate, and best informed group with whom it has ever been my privilege to associate!)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"