ATTN: I dug out my old Mk2, installed 2.00beta11 (but not HiJack) on it and its 10GB drive. The cable on this old player is one of the bad ones that only has a good connector on the end possition. Once that was done, I tested each of my 2 newer drives from the Rio - they both booted up right away.

>That means that the Hard Drives are good. So, either the Rio is bad, or both replacement cables that I tried in the above post were bad. (right?)

So, I disconnected the bad cable from the empeg and put in one of the replacement cables. Then I put the jumper back on the slave drive and hooked both drives up (in the older empeg player using one of the newer cables.) : IT BOOTED UP.

>That leads me to believe that the problem is the Rio. Note: I also said that now I am not running any HiJack... Is it possible that the Kernal is messed in the Flash? It has to be that or a hardware problem right?

I think that this finding may be of interest to other people experienceing "No Hard Disk Found" problems even after getting a replacement cable. We keep telling them to double check the cable - and they insist they do.

Final Note: the newer replacement cables are far less snug than the ones that ship with the Rio... so maybe they can come loose easier... That Hotglue thing is a good idea..
Brad B.