Is there someone here who can help me troubleshoot a "net use" command?

I'm trying to walk through a set of instructions provided by Crashplan to mount a NAS as the system user so Crashplan can back that NAS up. So far, I haven't had any luck getting it to work.

The task is scheduled fine and I can tell that it's running, but it's just not creating the mapped drive. Here is the content of the batch file I've scheduled:

net use Z: \\\ /USER:\USERNAME PASSWORD C:\other\mount.log 2>&1 

I've tried simplifying that to take out the logging part but that doesn't help. I also don't understand what the "2>&1" part does or why there are two of them.

Is this correct? If so, why might it be failing? Thanks for your help.

Edited by Dignan (23/07/2014 18:54)