Well, with the Hayman fire still burning out of control, the possibility for personal loss for my family continues, as does possible huge losses for people on the outskirts of Denver. It's already the biggest fire in Colorado history, and shows no signs of being put out soon. Forcast this week is warm and windy. Right now, the fire sits about 8 miles from our land, and seems safe if it continues it's NW travel. But a major wind change could easially have the fire there in a matter of a few hours. (It hit about 2 miles per hour at one point this weekend). I keep watching the maps to see if it's close. And for me, it's not a house with all my personal items, but it is a place I grew up around, and watched the second cabin rise out of piles of lumber and cement blocks. It's land that my great grandparents bought, and now they are both burried there.

How have others delt with this threat? I know California has had some major files over the years. Right now it's the biggest thing on my mind, and nothing I do changes that. I keep seeing images of the road closure I saw on my way up yesterday, and also continue to see and smell the results here in Colorado Springs. I hope it ends soon one way or another. Knowing the end result would be so much better then constantly watching the evacuated areas, staring at maps for points of reference, and wishing for newer info.

And for an idea of the land mass this has consumed, check out this image http://www.osei.noaa.gov/iod.html