I have tried three or four syncs lately of a relatively significant size, and have had this problem appear at various points throughout. The disk integrity check goes fine, the files begin uploading, and eventually I get this Emplode behavior:

And the following on the serial port:

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c1000000
memmap = C0D68000, pgd = c0d68000
*pgd = 00000000, *pmd = 00000000
Internal error: Oops: 2
CPU: 0
pc : [<c004550c>] lr : [<c00454ec>]
sp : c09a5e18 ip : 00000001 fp : 00000000
r10: 00492058 r9 : c08ae120 r8 : c09a5e30
r7 : 00000249 r6 : c0fff600 r5 : 00000057 r4 : c09a5e30
r3 : c0fff6dc r2 : 00000000 r1 : 00002000 r0 : 00000057
Flags: nZCv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 Segment user
Control: C0D6917D Table: C0D6917D DAC: 00000015
Process player (pid: 49, stackpage=c09a5000)
c09a5e00: c00454ec c004550c 60000013 ffffffff fa050000 c0fff630
c09a5e20: c0972400 c088ba80 c088ba84 ffffffff c025b120 00492058 c088b980 c09a5eec
c09a5e40: 00000ec5 c07cdee4 00000001 000000b9 c0047fc4 c09a5eec 00492058 00000000
c09a5e60: c088b980 c00484fc 00000002 c025b780 00000100 c088b980 00000db9 00000ec5
c09a5e80: c09a5eec 00000008 00000001 c0048854 00000400 00000ec5 c09a5eec 00000010
c09a5ea0: c07a33c0 00000400 c078a800 c088b980 021b6a84 00000884 003b1400 c004682c
c09a5ec0: 021b67a0 c09a5eec 00000000 00000000 c0fff600 000002e4 00000000 00000ec5
c09a5ee0: c09a5fb0 c0b93d80 c07a33c0 ffffffe4 c09a5f60 00002000 00002000 02170838
c09a5f00: 00000010 c00853b0 00000000 c09a5f10 00000000 00000000 c037e2bc c09a5f60
c09a5f20: c09a5f2c c005f21c c09a5f2c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
c09a5f40: 021b67a0 ffffffea 00000000 c0b93d20 c09a5ff4 c005f340 021b7308 00001498
c09a5f60: 00000000 00000000 c09a5f58 00000001 c0b93d80 c0046614 ffffffea 00000b68
c09a5f80: 021b67a0 02170838 00000010 c0030110 021b67a0 00000010 00000000 c000a108
c09a5fa0: 000000b5 c09a4000 c09a5ff4 c0009f60 003b111c 00000000 0000002d 021b67a0
c09a5fc0: 00000b68 003b111c 00000000 0000002d 021b67a0 00000b68 003b111c 02170838
c09a5fe0: 00000010 be1ffcac be1ffcb0 be1ffc8c 02015a20 020e1724 20000010 0000002d
Backtrace: no frame pointer
Code: 1a000004 e28630dc (e7932107) e3520000 13a00000
/sbin/userinit: line 109: 36 Segmentation fault /empeg/bin/player

No recourse except to yank power, attempting a Hijack reboot just yields another segfault.

This kind of crap is obviously not good for the integrity of my disks and my Empeg in general. Tonight was the first time I had gotten pretty far into the sync (about an hour or so in) and I got this. I'm at the end of my rope here... I know I'm supposed to do small syncs but I have a big folder and I don't want to have to do one or two artists at a time...

Back in the 1.03 days I did several syncs of much larger proportion with no problems... Can someone (probably from Empeg) tell me what has happened here and what I can do to avoid it? I have ReserveCache set to 32, is it possible that's causing problems?

Sigh. I wonder if I am going to have severe corruption of my music partition now...
- Tony C
my empeg stuff