So, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I'm curious to see what your opinions are, so here goes..
I would like to buy a Rio Car, and I have seem them going on Ebay from anywhere from $400.00 to $800.00+. Not a bad price, at all. My question is, how soon will we see new products that are of the same type / caliber as the Rio Car? Within 1-2 years? Or, in your opinions, will this type of technology never catch on mainstream?
If Sonic|Blue is indeed pushing their technology with OEM manufacturers, would it be best for a person like me to wait a year or so and get a new product that still has active support from the company? Or do you think the Rio Car will be the only linux-based, hard-drive type car stereo?
What's a guy to do?!
- durden -