On a more technical note, and I have not much of a clue on this front, would it be possible to create a 50k partition that could be left mounted RW - something so small that it would take virtually no time to fsck (is that the right word?) on startup. empacman, or any other program, could mount this rw at the start of a game, and ro at the end, and this could be used to save high-score tables or similar. On the offchance of a power-down during play, the tiny partition size would mean a barely noticable delay to the next bootup. Could this work?

Well, if you use /dev/hda2 then it's still only 32MB, and would fsck very fast compared to a 10/20/30 GB partition. It'd still be a very good idea to only make the drive rw for the time needed to write the table, and make it ro again immediately afterwards. But this should only happen on /dev/hda2 or /dev/hdc2...We shouldn't touch any of the existing partitions from an app.

But as for the game itself - excellent stuff. I'd also like to see the ghost munch time shortened a tad. I (personally) think that the pacing and difficulty is excellent as it is. I'd like to see bonuses and extra lives. And maybe some different maps for different levels?
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.