They are available in the dual drive config. The PCB mount version of the optical module does not fit in the dual drive config. The panel mount version of the module fits fine. Also there was a back order on the modules delaying the availability of the optical board models until mid October, but we found a new source for the modules. All models will be available concurrently. The inevitable pushing back of the deadline has occurred. Production will begin mid August. We have all the parts in except for the PCBs and the optical modules. The optical modules are expected today and the PCBs, the 15th of this month. The new modules are like nothing I've ever seen before. See the front page of the web site for details. Yes, we took down the survey intentially. It was scheduled to go off on July 31st. That's what happened. We only wanted to determine the level of demand. It served it's purpose. Thanks everyone!
I have been a little slow updating the site and compiling the manual lately due to my main computer essentially dying. It seems my Mac no longer "roolz"
