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Why do you press and punish empeg for something that they don't HAVE to do? They have fulfilled their obligation to release the GPL'd code already. The rest is their own and they can do with it however the hell they want.
This isn't about open source at all... go back, re-read what I've said on this topic. I'd agree to sign an NDA to help develop cross-platform tools, I've said that already.
To put it bluntly: I don't care about open source on this topic, I care about it being able to work on my platform without me having to keep a Windows machine hanging around my house taking up space SOLELY for the purpose of talking to my Empeg (which is really the way it currently is).
In reply to:
You aren't in any position to demand anything. If you think you can do it better, well, as you put it... "that's YOU". This is empeg's baby and they'll run the show however they like it
First off, I haven't "demanded" anything. I've asked, I've questioned the logic of NOT letting empeg customers do empeg's work for them. Yes, this is "empeg's show", but let's not forget that Empeg DOESN'T want to just retreat into a "this is our way, bite us!" shell... a certain Redmond-based company has that mindset and it doesn't set well with the consumers.
I won't even address your third paragraph because it falls back to the same ill-conceived notions of the first. I don't necessarily want the code open-sourced, but if you have people who are saying "give me the work, I'll do it for free", and they're willing to sign the necessary paperwork so that you can give them the source code legally and still within your closed-source business model, then you frankly have to be an idiot NOT to let someone take things off your plate.