(Caveat: I'm not a Windows user, so I haven't tried any of this)

To use the stylesheets under Windows you will need Jade, available from the author's web site - go to http://www.jclark.com/jade/#getting and look for the link titled "binary distribution". Alternatively, you could use OpenJade which is the more active fork of Jade (and is what I use - on Linux - for development).

I think that Jade comes with a demo - use that to ensure that it's working correctly, then run Jade on your exported XML playlist from JEmplode, like "jade -t rtf -o playlist.rtf -d playlist.dsl xml.decl playlist.xml". This should give you an RTF file which you can manipulate (e.g. print) with most Windows word-processors.

If you have GNU make (and bash) installed, my Makefile may work for you. I'd like to hear from anyone who tries this.
Toby Speight
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