Yeah, I think it is that simple, but I think he's asking how to spread the music around to the other speakers. There are different ways to do this, though probably a new sound card would be easiest. You don't really improve much by having the same thing play out of the front and rear speakers, though. Many of the newer sound cards offer some sort of dolby pro-logic mode, which is a way to spread certain frequencies to the rear speakers while still leaving the stereo image in the front (i think. anyone know more?)

If you havn't found the option for your sound card, it may just not exist. Perhaps there's some sort of audio mixer program you could use? Otherwise, there is always the mini jack y plugs from radio shack, but then you'll loose all the surround options from everything else.


PS: Yeah, I'm a fan of the Klipsh promedia line, until it breaks... Their waranty service made me appreciate the whole process of repairing my mkIIa so much more...