Okay, I've listened to the album a couple of more times, and ...

It still sucks.

Maybe slightly less than in my initial review, but there were times that I pulled up at a stop light listening to this thing, and I got the overwhelming urge to roll up my window so that people wouldn't hear me listening to it.

I just can't express how dull this album is. Check out the AllMusic review and remove the parts that claim that they're a good band despite the album and I'd agree with it totally.

On the other hand, there were, I think, two songs that had the quieter singer guy that could have been good if they ever went anywhere. They felt like they were going to and then just didn't. Unlike the rest of the songs which were obviously going to be four minutes of the same lame metal riff over and over.

Sorry, Dignan. Had to be said. I'm sorry I spent my $7 on this album.
Bitt Faulk