I have one question about AG. For the type of copy or buffering, what do you choose? I can not recall what I have but I think it is the default of buffered burst or something.

CD ripping is still a bit of a black art. Different CD drives on different systems will need different settings.

In my personal experience, I can leave Audiocatalyst (which is the same as Audiograbber) at its default settings, but only if I leave the computer alone while it's ripping. If I try to multitask other software during the process, I get skips and pops in my rips.

Asking someone else what their copy/buffer settings are is kind of useless, since each system has its own best settings. The important thing is to listen carefully to your rips and see if there are any of the following:

- Skips/pops
- bursts of noise
- sudden shifting of the stereo image between the left and right channels that's not present on the original recording.

All of those can happen with ripping errors. If you get those, look into altering the settings from their defaults, otherwise don't touch them. Look in AudioGrabber's online help under "Troubleshooting" for more information. For a technical discussion of why these problems occur, check out the Jitter section of the CD-Recordable FAQ.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris